Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Photo time...

ok....i really can't see a difference yet but just thought I would upload another photo anyway, just coz i'm bored outta me brains at work!! lol I've only lost a bit over 5kg so i wasn't expecting to see any differences yet anyway! :)
A few people have actually commented that I look like I've lost weight...I can't see it anywhere yet but can feel it around the waist and hips areas....also think my boobs have shrunk a bit - the one area I don't want to lose weight from coz they really aren't that big! But sure enough, it's ALWAYS the first place I lose weight! Annoying!!!!
Just ate my lunch, left over risotto from last night.....I got the recipe from the CK website. It was pretty yummy I have to say but I don't think I have quite mastered the art of risotto yet as there was probably a bit too much liquid! Oh well still tasted good! I was going to try and make another fancy meal for tonight but I really can't be arsed to be honest! lol Just gonna have steak (the smallest piece of steak you have ever seen!! lol) and steamed veggies and maybe a small baked potato. This is always my 'can't be bothered' meal. Mainly because there is no cooking invloved! All you do is chuck the steak under the griller, boil some water for the veggies and put the potato in the oven! Too easy! My kind of cooking ;) Don't get me wrong i do like cooking but sometimes it's the absolute last thing you wanna do!!
Anywho, better do some work I suppose....NYE tomorrow woohoo!!! hopefully finishing work at 2 :) :)
Take care and happy new year!!!
Andrea x

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Mayhem!!

OK, so......last week was was a bit of a disaster food and exercise wise! I don't think I entered one single thing into my CK food diary - something I have been SO good at doing since I started! I ate out for about 5 or 6 meals including the big lunch! Now, I did eat what I wanted on Christmas day (including a little bit of crackle.....oooops!!!) BUT I didn't go overboard and didn't have seconds which I was pretty happy with! I went for a few walks with the dog thorughout the week but nothing strenuous at all!

My weigh in day was Boxing Day, I tossed up all morning whether I should weigh myself or not....I finally decided I should and the scales showed that I gained 200 grams. Not too bad considering how bad my week was! I'm so looking forward to this week being over, no more eating out (not every bloody day anyway! lol), no more alcohol - I'm going to try and stay away from alcohol completely for January - I don't drink often at all but when I do drink, I binge! Very bad I know!

New Years Eve will probably be a write off as well, not 100% sure what I'm doing yet but no doubt whatever I choose to do it will include more food and alcohol!

Anyway enough talk about food and alcohol, I'm getting hungry and thirsty!! lol
So who decided working this week was a good idea? Obviously not too many people as the roads were absolutely DEAD this morning. That is the ONLY good thing about working this time of the year.....being able to get to the Docklands for work in half an hour and not having to catch the train which I usually do coz I hate public transport! like HATE it! and I have to use it 5 days a week....yuck!
Work is pretty quiet today, as expected, but it just makes the day all the more boring! At least if I have work to do it makes the day goes fast!!

Ugggghhhhh I just want to go home!!! I just keep thinking of all my family and friends who have time off, out doing fun things and here I am slaving away! I did have a week off (took a few days before christmas off) but it's just not enough! I wish I could've taken this week off but as our office is only closed on public holidays we have to have a cetain amount of people here and unfortunately I lucked out :(

Anyway off for an early lunch...that's how bored I am! lol

Andrea x

Monday, December 21, 2009

First gain....booo hoooo

Well I do not come bearing good news today! I weighed myself on Saturday and I gained 200 grams :( :( :( :(
I know it's not much but I was pretty disappointed as I thought I had done pretty damn well this week! I did go out for a couple of meals but chose wisely and didn't over do it with the portion sizes. I also excerised the most I have in AGES so i thought that would've done something....apparently not!
Having said that I did actually feel like my hips had shrunk a little this week which is a positive :) Actually that reminds me I need to do my measurements again! Maybe if there's a loss there that will keep the motivation up!

Well I had a lovely weekend, had our work christmas drinks on Friday night (oops I just remembered I may have over done it with the wine that night! lol) which was good, there was heaps of finger food there as well and I did have a bit (not the really bad stuff that i WANTED to eat! hehe) but that was my dinner so didn't go over my calories for the day. I did all my Christmas shopping on Friday night after the work drinks in like 1 hour! Was so impressed with myself! hehe This is the only time of the year I like being single coz it means I don't have to buy for a boyfriend or his family! lol
Saturday I went shopping again with my friend coz she had a voucher for some shop on Glenferrie Rd and wanted me to go with her and Sunday went out for a few drinks for a friends birthday which was good coz it was outside and the weather was great! I did get a bit sunburnt though! That's not overly strange for me tho, I'm so pastey and white! lol

Anyway my life is pretty boring right now so nothing really interesting to say! lol

Have a great week and a great Christmas!

Andrea x

Thursday, December 17, 2009


OK so I have been majorly slack with this blog already! oops!
oh well, nothing major to report in my life at the moment, nothing that is worth writing about anyway! lol
Oh well I just realised I haven't posted anything since my last weigh in! I lost 900 grams last week which I was pretty happy with.
I don't know how I'm going to go at my weigh this saturday tho! I haven't been the best! So many work lunches, morning teas, dinners with friends etc!!! It just gets out of hand this time of the year tho I suppose! Having said that I have made much better choices than I usually would so thats a plus I guess!! I have also walked my dog everyday for the last 5 days for at least 45 mins which is pretty good for me!
Anyway nearly time to go home, gotta be off! will try and do a longer post tomorrow! lol


Monday, December 7, 2009

Slip up time :(

Well I had my first slip up yesterday. I ate, no wait.....INHALED a bag of chips. The whole bag was gone in no more than 5 minuites.
I don't even know why I went down the chip aisle at the superamarket....I went down there and just stood there staring at the chips for about 5 mins and then I gave in :(
I wish I knew why but I really, really don't. I have been SO good, I haven't even breathed the same air as that type of food. I know everyone says you can have stuff like chips, chocolate etc in moderation but I don't know if I can. Not yet anyway. I just can't trust myself around foods like that, I can never just have one!
After I pigged out I felt SO sick. So disappointed. I wanted to rewind the clock and go back to that point in time when I was standing in that aisle and just slap myself in the face!!

Anyway what's done is done, I can't let myself dwell too much on it. I did go for about an hour walk last night with my dog so I did feel much better after that :)

On a happier note, I had my 2nd weigh in on Saturday and lost another 1.4kg which means I've lost 5kg!! Pretty stoked with that I must say
Oh and my broken toe is well and truly on the mend which means I can start exercising again! Took my puppy for a walk last night and it felt soooo good! I just wanted to keep walking and walking and walking but it was getting dark and I'm a major wuss (pathetic I know! lol) so I just went for an hour.
I did my measuerments on Saturday as well and have lost 5cm from my waist, 3cm from my hips and 2cm from my chest. Not bad for my first 2 weeks i guess??? I actually have no idea about measurements but I suppose as long as they're going down that's a good thing!! :)

Anywho, I really need to do some work!

Have a great week...

Andrea x

Monday, November 30, 2009

Uggghhhh Monday's!!

I thought I would start doing progress pics every few weeks so here is my first photo! gotta get a full length shot still but here is one of my fat face! lol It's a bit fuzzy but the best I could do with my iphone!

Wow the weekend absolutely flew by and here I am back at work again! Boooooooo

So anyway had a really good weekend food wise. Well except maybe for Saturday coz I slept in and had my breakfast at 11:30 and then just dinner and a couple of snacks so was waaayyyy under my calories for the day - like by about 700 or 800 I think! lol Oh well better than being over I suppose??

Last night I had my friends birthday dinner at a Thai restaurant which could have been really dangerous as Thai is my absolute all time favourite cuisine!!! I ordered the pad thai as I remembered from my weight watchers days it said in one of those little books you get from the meetings that pad thai is the best thing to order at a Thai restaruant and to stay away from the coconut milk based curries (my fave! lol). I also only ate about 2/3 of the food on my plate and didn't have entree so I was pretty happy with that! :D I had kept my cals pretty low for breakfast and lunch as well just to be on the safe side, you never know what they put in the dishes I suppose!

I did a big cook up yesterday morning and froze some stuff so I should now be set with all my meals for at least the next 2 weeks which is a huge relief. Sometimes (ok a lot of the time) the last thing I can be bothered doing is cooking when I get home from work!

I have another brithday dinner to go to on Thursday night so will be interesting to see how I go on the scales on Saturday. I don't think it will harm my weightloss as I am being really careful so will just have to wait and see I guess!!
Oh and I have also decided on how I'm going to reward myself throughout this old 'journey' of mine......with every 10kg that I lose I'm going to treat myself to a full body massage! I absolutely looooove massages but only ever have one a year because my brother gets me a voucher every birthday! hehe.

Anyway fingers crossed for another great week.....

Andrea x

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Motivation levels - all time high!!!

Well I had my first official weigh in today anndddd.........(drum roll)............I lost 3.6kg!!!!!!! I still can't wipe the smile off my face :)
Now I'm not diluted and I'm well aware that I won't lose these numbers every week (funnily enough this is not the first time I have tried to lose weight! lol) but even still, there is nothing like a 3.6kg loss to boost your motivation!! hehe
All I want to do is get outside on this beautiful Saturday morning and go for a walk but I still can't get my runners on because of my stupid broken toe!!! :( uggghhh SO over it! I'm hoping I won't be off it for more than another week then I can't really get this show on the road!

I was faced with sooo much temptation friend from work is lebanese and she had bought in some lebanese sweets to share with everyone (it looked like custard wrapped in pastry with syrup on top - healthy!!! not! lol) and I politely said 'no thank you' and she practically tried to force it down my throat!! I had to say no at least a dozen times I reckon. But the REALLY weird things was that I actually didn't want it?!?! I've never experienced that before....EVER! haha
So.....temptation number 1 resisted!!

The next temptation was the fortnightly morning tea at work. I didn't go, but the thing is there is always left overs and they get left on the kitchen bench in the kitchen so I had to walk past it every time I wanted to fill up my drink bottle, get food out of the fridge etc. I shot a quick glance to see what there was there and it was all my favourites: brie cheese, crackers, dips, chips etc etc. But....
Temptation number 2 resisted!!

My next temptation was at my friends house. It was her husbands birthday and they were having people around for dinner and cake. I declined the dinner offer (it was Chinese takeaway!) but around there after dinner. My friend offered me a piece of cake and I said no, of course. She then offered me ice ice pole? no. a glass of coke? no. She was trying to find something that I could have but that weird feeling came back again and I actually didn't WANT anything.
Temptation number 3 resisted!!!!!!

So very proud of myself this week, I honestly don't think I could have done much better! No slip ups, no giving in to temptation....feeling fab!!

Anyway it's 11:25am and I am starving...time for breakfast! ( I know it's late but I slept in a fair bit this morning! lol)

Until next time.....

Andrea x